Business registration portal enables QR code registration and contact tracing for state citizens

October 18, 2021

Business challenge 

Following a state-wide lockdown to mitigate coronavirus transmission, the department needed to ensure businesses could safely re-open and resume providing services to the public.


Under emergency measures, the department approved the appointment of Salesforce to build a Business Registration Portal to enable businesses to register quickly and easily, to use the free state government QR code service. As a trusted and highly valued partner of Salesforce, and a proven provider of mission-critical services to government, DXC Technology was selected by Salesforce to deliver the project.


The department and DXC worked together to deliver a pilot solution in just two weeks and a scaled full solution launch in four weeks. Together they ensured an intuitive design, rapid build, inclusion of critical content, and immediate privacy and policy review. The speed with which steering committee and ministerial approvals were granted as part of the government’s emergency response was critical in achieving timely outcomes.

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