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CFO Insights 2024: How CFOs can gear up for new challenges in 2024

Critical Trends and Priorities for ASEAN CFOs in 2024:

More than ever before, today's CFO must gear up for new challenges to their organisation from economic headwinds to new technology. 

Pre COVID-19, CFOs primarily focused on recording historical financial performance. Post pandemic, the CFO is one who embraces emerging trends and leads the organisation in understanding the shifting priorities that will shape the future of the company and the industry.

DXC Technology’s CFO ASEAN, Rangnath B Deshpande, discusses some of the challenges and opportunities CFOs face.

Find out what the CFO can do to realise the benefits of finance and digital transformation in 2024 and beyond

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CFO Interview: Maintaining the focus on financial transformation
CFO Interview: Maintaining the focus on financial transformation

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Feature interview: Critical trends and priorities for CFOs
Feature interview: Critical trends and priorities for CFOs

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