Have you heard about the Silent Revolution?

August 5, 2020

The Power Platform, simply explained.

The average cost to develop an application was 74% less with Power Apps with less effort to manage and maintain code/applications.'

The IT department can suffer from a bad reputation: that’s because system improvements, process automation and transformation require substantial investment – time, money and resources!

Now is the time to take control and deliver new levels of creativity to solve business problems, build new efficiencies, tackle data complexities and drive innovation with the Microsoft Power Platform.

Read our white paper 'The Silent Revolution' and discover how the Power Platform can empower both non-developers (citizen developers) and professional developers to create their own data visualisations, apps, and process automation in a low-code platform. 


1. The Total Economic Impact of Power Apps, A Forrester Total Economic Impact Study Commissioned by Microsoft, March 2020.

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